Tolunay-Wong Engineers

Tolunay-Wong Engineers


Tolunay-Wong Engineers

10710 S. Sam Houston Pkwy W., Ste. 100
Houston, TX 77031
Cheryl Miller Cheryl Miller
713-722-7064 | fax: (713) 722-0319
Connect With Us
Construction projects have used our geotechnical expertise in program development, site reconnaissance, field exploration, field and laboratory testing, geotechnical evaluation, construction quality control, and testing. ••Soil Borings and Cone Penetrometer Tests (CPT) ••Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring ••Slope Stability and Slope Remediation ••Marine and Dock Structures ••Erosion and Groundwater Control ••Groundwater Improvement ••Shallow and Deep Foundations ••Geological Fault Hazards ••Levee/Embankment Design and Evaluation ••Earth Structures and Retention Systems ••Laboratory Testing ••Finite Element Analysis ••Soil Dynamic Properties ••Soil Liquefaction ••Geophysical Services (GPR, EM) ••Forensic Studies
Member Since: 2008
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